Long- Awaited Update

Oi, gente! This is Brittni.

Wow, it's been a long time since we've posted! We have a few things to update on!

Recently, I've been thinking a lot about how crazy this whole thing is. JD and I are moving to Brasil in TWO MONTHS. Two months! That is coming SO quickly. We have been busy working, spending time with friends and family, and preparing our things for our move.

At the end of May, we took a trip with my extended family to Pensacola, Florida to spend time with more family and to enjoy one last big family trip before we move. We got to go to the beach, visit some extended family, see the Naval Aviation Museum, and eat some delicious food!

Last week, JD and I traveled to New York for a very quick trip to see family over the 4th of July. One of his uncles hosts a HUGE party for family and friends, and we have made it up for the last two years. It's a great time to catch up on life with family, see a great firework show, and eat some delicious food! I personally loved the strawberries and ice cream ;)

We have also spent time with some friends and family recently. A couple weeks ago, we had dinner and walked a trail with some friends from church; this week, we spent time with my younger siblings at a local arcade, Thai restaurant, and a place that sold gelato :)

In the actual process of moving to Brasil, we're making forward progress! We're still practicing our Portuguese so that we can hit the ground running when we arrive. We are also finishing up our visa application to send off ASAP!! We are planning to send it out by the end of this week, as long as we can gather the last couple documents by then (which we believe is totally do-able!). We've been busy getting fingerprinted, collecting college transcripts, recommendation letters, and more to be able to apply for the visa. We are using a visa service to ensure that we have everything we will need to be approved as quickly as possible. The current processing time is 3-4 weeks, so we are hoping to have it back in a month or so!

We have raised approximately $600USD in monthly support. We are still hoping and believing for approximately $2000USD per month to pay for all of our needs (rent, utilities, food, clothing, etc.). God has shown us his faithfulness and helped us to trust Him through the little things, so we have faith that He will show in the big things like our finances! We need your help in this, so if you have felt a nudge from God or just want to help us out, please click HERE! We have already begun paying for the rent for our house in Brasil, so our needs are immediate! Please know that no gift is too small. We appreciate anything and everything that is given through us! We couldn't do this without your help!!

P.S. - The organization we use to process our financial gifts is a 501c3, so you will receive a giving statement for taxes at the end of the year! Yay!

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