We're doing it... we're actually doing it!

Guys, we did a thing. A big thing. For the first time in our (married) lives, we're moving! And not just around the corner... unless you consider 5,000 miles to be a short distance ;)

Here's our big announcement:
We are moving to Recife, Brasil!!!!
(Click here to see Recife on Google Maps and feel free to jump into Street Mode. It is beautiful!!)

We can't hardly believe it. We're so excited! We'll have a lot more details to share in the coming months, but here are the basics:

  • We'll be moving to Recife to work with Shores of Grace Ministries. Yes, this is the ministry JD has been working with for about 8 years and it is the same ministry we visited back in June! See more of their work by searching for "Shores of Grace" on Facebook or by visiting shoresofgrace.com!
  • Our exact roles in the ministry have not been decided as of yet, but we will be involved in their established work with prostitutes, the homeless, the girls and babies in their group home, slum outreach, and more. It's hard to find the words to explain just how much of an impact the ministry has on their local community, and we're just so grateful that we get to play some small parts. We're planning to keep this blog updated with our progress and activities as time goes on, so stay tuned to learn more!
  • We do not have an exact moving date, but we're thinking we'll be headed to the Southern Hemisphere sometime in early September of this year. Crazy, we know!
  • The language spoken in Brasil is Portuguese. No, we aren't fluent, but yes, we are working on it! JD has lived in Brasil for about a year (on and off), so he has some language skills, but I am working on learning the language through different apps, YouTube videos, and more. We're hoping to get some private lessons going soon as well :)
  • We will be relying completely on the support of others through this time as we will not be allowed to work while we are living there. We will need approximately $2000USD each month. This is a HUGE step in faith for us as neither of us like asking for help, but this is something we cannot do without others! We are trusting God that He will provide for all of our needs - whether it be financial, spiritual, emotional or physical. If you feel led to give any sort of gift to help us in our journey and adventure, first, know that we are so thankful for you! Head to the Giving link on the right side of the blog to get to our donation page. If you can't give, please be praying for us! We can't do this alone.
  • We do not know how long we will be there. Currently, we are planning on being there basically indefinitely. We know this sounds kind of nuts, but we've got some big long-term dreams for our lives there and we just can't put a time limit on them.

We hope you'll be excited for us and join us in this adventure that God has called us on. We know it won't be easy leaving everything we've known and loved, but we know that He is faithful and that we want to spend our lives serving the One who paid it all for us.

We cannot wait to see the things our Father has for us and for the people of Recife. He's already got us dreaming big dreams and hoping for wonderful things!

Please feel free to ask any questions or leave comments about anything and everything! We'll get back to you ASAP! We love you all and are so thankful for you! Thank you so much for supporting us. :)

With love, The Grant's

1 comment

  1. God bless you! I hope that Lord will help you both, to came to Recife. Maria and I are praying!
